Friday, February 10, 2012

Why do people complain about people who work at low paying jobs receive welfare?

If it weren't for the McDonald's job, would we have a 5.5% unemployment rate? If every welfare recipient got two jobs, would we have a 5.5% unemployment rate?Why do people complain about people who work at low paying jobs receive welfare?
Those people have no problem with corporate welfare. They just don't want women with hungry children to get help. $25 BILLION to Fannie Mae is OK. Buying out the financial institutions who have made obscene profits for years is OK. Billions to the oil companies who are already making obscene profits by stealing from the American public, that OK. Just don't help some poor person who is trying their best to support a family on slave wages that are meant to keep poor people poor and prevent them from ever moving up on the economic ladder. Why? Heartless, no compassion, no understanding, selfishness, etc.
I'm think you're asking why people complain about the subsidies available to low income families. I don't see many people complain about it because they don't actually understand that most people on welfare programs are in fact WORKING.

The general assumption seems to be that welfare program recipients are sitting home, having babies, eating bonbons and getting some big check. That is a ridiculous and untrue stereotype. Many of the families that move from TANF to work find low wage jobs that get them in the workforce but don't provide enough to support their family, don't supply health care, etc. Those workers are eligible for subsidies to help cover: housing, food, and health care.

The thinking is that if people get in the workforce they will likely continue to improve their social and financial situation so that one day they will not need the subsidies.Why do people complain about people who work at low paying jobs receive welfare?
I have been asking this question for years. I was working full time at a job OVER minimum wage, going to school FT, raising a disabled child by myself (and I was disabled) with NO child support and I was on welfare and people told me to get off my lazy butt and go to work...People don't understand that by the time you take off your taxes and day care and now fuel, there is nothing left for rent, food, insurance, etc and MOST places will NOT work you full time but daycares still charge you for 5 days a week no matter what.. They expect everyone to have a job making $10.00 an hour with full benefits but they don't want them to be able to get financial aid to go to school, or any help paying expenses to be able to get the training to get a job like that. There are a few people who SCREW the system and would refuse to work if you paid them $100 an hour but MOST people on welfare do work.. and if the govt didn't punish you for working, more people could get off welfare.. I went to work.. my rent went up, I lost health benefits, my food stamps got cut.. after taxes and fuel.. for every hour I worked.. I was in the hole about $3.00.. Seriously.
Unlike the previous post, I do not believe the majority of ppl on welfare work. At least they don't in my area. The draw their welfare, food stamps %26amp; WIC. Picking up those checks are the extend of their jobs. This is what I do not agree with. If you need help, that is another situation, to be taken care of by state %26amp; community.Why do people complain about people who work at low paying jobs receive welfare?
The average person getting government housing, AFDC, food stamps and wic is an unwed mother with more than one child. They do not work.

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