Wednesday, January 25, 2012

With jobs like McDonalds being the only sure thing tomorrow, aren't we already forced into socialism?

McDonald's workers make squat. No health insurance unless they get welfare. Millions of dollars a year spent on food stamps for McDonald's employees, and housing paid for by HUD and other government programs. They could always work double shifts. But I heard McDonald's doesn't like to pay overtime.With jobs like McDonalds being the only sure thing tomorrow, aren't we already forced into socialism?
The Bush/Cheney recession is really hurting everyone.
What does any of that have to do with socialism?With jobs like McDonalds being the only sure thing tomorrow, aren't we already forced into socialism?
Maybe if you majored in something useful in college like engineering, and actually graduated, you would not have to be working at McD's.

Just a thought.
They changed it to a mcdouble!With jobs like McDonalds being the only sure thing tomorrow, aren't we already forced into socialism?
No. McDonald jobs are also largely held by high school and college students as well as senior citizens. Those people generally don't need health care benefits and aren't raising a family, except possibly part-time employees who get the bulk of their pay and benefits elsewhere..

So I assume you are proposing that McDonalds increase their pay scale and start offering benefits because some of their employees can't find other work? Wouldn't that cause McDonalds to lay people off causing even more unemployment? When unemployment is down can they then pull those benefits and lower pay or will they be dragged thru the mud like Wal-Mart so often is?..

Those billions spent on Wal-Mart are not for Wal-Mart they are for people that can't or won't find other work. Wal-Mart is not a social services institution and has no obligation to provide anything but minimum wage..
With the passage of the stimulus construction jobs will lead to more service jobs and better wages for everyone.
Did you try to get a job at McDonald's lately?
concur with first answerer
McDonald manager get full benefits. Do the hamburger flippers expect to make a career out of this job? If so, you pay your time just like in any other job. If you don't get promoted, then you look at your work habits and find out how you can improve your performance.

Fast food restaurants are usually used as temporary employment until the person finds something better. If you want a better job and better benefits, improve yourself.
Huh? Do you know what socialism is?

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