Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What does it say about the economy when 50% of new private sector jobs were at McDonalds last month?

It think it says, more stimulus creating better jobs is necessary, higher taxes to pay the bills, longer unemployment benefits required, universal health care because Mickey D doesn't have bennys.

Agree or Strongly Agree?What does it say about the economy when 50% of new private sector jobs were at McDonalds last month?
It says supply side economics is a complete failure and doesn't work. Trickle on economics makes everyone but the top 1% poor. We have the last 40 years to use as proof.

Increased hiring at McDonalds also confirms the notion that we have a DEMAND problem. We need stimulus, not more wasteful tax cuts.

Obama is planing more "stimulative" tax cuts, I don't think they will work. Geitner needs to go.鈥?/a>
McDonalds does have benefits. You just did not bother to research. It is possible a fry cook or part timer might not have them for a while but if you intend to stay a fry cook all your life who needs you anyway?What does it say about the economy when 50% of new private sector jobs were at McDonalds last month?
"McJobs" is just a term for menial labor.

"Of all occupations those are the least desirable in a free state which produce the most servile dependence of one class of citizens on another class. This dependence must increase as the mutuality of wants is diminished. Where the wants on one side are the absolute necessaries and on the other are neither absolute necessaries, nor result from the habitual economy of life, but are the mere caprices of fancy"

-- James Madison; "Fashion" National Gazette (March, 20, 1792)
Disagree stongly.

Uncertainty still exists due to obamacare. plus, obama plans on taxing company's foreign assets.

BHO has done very little to create an environment conducive to business.What does it say about the economy when 50% of new private sector jobs were at McDonalds last month?
Nothing good I assure you.
the other half is working at Walmart
Nice pretzel logic. Try again.
I think it says the greed at the top of the "free market" doesn't create jobs. America's shift from a manufacturing base to a service base has decimated the middle class, but made some people very very rich in the process.
I think it demonstrates how middle class jobs have dried up in our country. Money managers and burger flippers are the kinds of jobs that are growing, and guess which of those two former factory workers are actually qualified enough to do.
A job is a job right? Republican voters are the same ones saying "There are no jobs Americans will not do"? but when the jobs are there, they complain?

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